Umong Temple Tranquility and Nature

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Delve into the depths of Umong Temple, a place where history, spirituality, and nature converge, making it one of the most fascinating attractions in Chiang Mai.

A Historical Overview

Umong Temple, also known as Suan Buddha Dhamma, is a historic gem that dates back to the 13th century. Commissioned by King Mangrai, the temple was initially called Wat Weru Wan. It was later renamed Umong Temple after the construction of its unique tunnel system by King Kuena. This temple has witnessed significant historical events and transformations, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of Chiang Mai.

The Unique Tunnel System

One of the most beautiful aspects to this temple is its tunnels, dating back to the 13th century. After removing your shoes, the air, which smells of spicy incense and damp earth, becomes obviously cooler as you walk through one of the three entrances. Inside, there are a few Buddha statues in enclaves where locals will leave flowers and pray. Monks would retreat into these serene passageways to meditate in peace, away from the distractions of the outside world. The tunnels are lined with centuries-old murals and inscriptions, providing a unique glimpse into the spiritual practices of the time. Exploring these tunnels is like stepping back in time, with the dim lighting and cool atmosphere enhancing the sense of mystery and reverence.

Artistic and Cultural Richness

Umong Temple is not just a place of worship but also a repository of ancient art and culture. The murals inside the tunnels depict Buddhist teachings and local legends, showcasing the artistic prowess of the period. Outside, the Asokan Pillar replica and other historical artifacts highlight the temple’s significance in Thai history. The open-air museum, with its array of Buddha statues and religious figures, offers a deeper understanding of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the region.

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wat umong, umong temple, wat u-mong, u-mong temple, tunnel temple, wat umong suan putthatham, umong suan putthatham temple

The Majestic Chedi

Above the tunnels stands a historic bell-shaped Chedi, believed to have been built in the early 20th Buddhist era. This Chedi, with its distinctive Lanna architecture, has been recently restored, preserving its ancient charm. Surrounded by lush greenery, the Chedi is a focal point of the temple grounds and a symbol of Wat Umong’s enduring legacy. The Chedi’s design is typical of the Lanna style, with three tiers that symbolize different levels of spiritual attainment. The structure is not only a significant religious symbol but also a beautiful piece of architecture that adds to the temple’s serene and timeless atmosphere. 

Lush Grounds and Serene Environment

The temple grounds are a sanctuary of tranquility. Surrounded by dense foliage and towering trees, Umong Temple offers a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. The 700-year-old Chedi, covered in moss and ferns during the rainy season, stands as a testament to the temple’s enduring legacy. Visitors can wander through the peaceful gardens, meditate by the pond, or simply enjoy the natural beauty that envelops the temple. The grounds also feature numerous sculptures and relics, each with its own story to tell.

A Relaxing Pond and Natural Beauty

The temple grounds also feature a serene lake, where visitors can relax, feed the fish, and enjoy the calming sounds of nature. The lake is surrounded by big trees, butterflies, and the sounds of birds, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and reflection. The presence of tame deer adds to the charm, providing a delightful experience for nature enthusiasts. This natural environment encourages visitors to slow down and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The pond area is especially popular with families and children, who enjoy feeding the fish and watching the wildlife. It’s a perfect spot to sit and meditate, read a book, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature.

Wat Umong is home to a famous meditation center, that is why the area is so quiet and relaxing. If you are interested in learning more about Buddhism in general, there is a monk chat every Sunday at 3pm. A western monk, who has studied and lived in Thailand for a long time will answer any question you have.

wat umong, umong temple, wat u-mong, u-mong temple, tunnel temple, wat umong suan putthatham, umong suan putthatham temple
wat umong, umong temple, wat u-mong, u-mong temple, tunnel temple, wat umong suan putthatham, umong suan putthatham temple

Get ready for a peaceful and enlightening journey to Wat Umong in Chiang Mai! With three easy transportation options to choose from, reaching the temple is a breeze:

By car – Drive to the temple and enjoy convenient parking.

By public transport – Take a bus or tuk-tuk to Wat Umong for a budget-friendly option.

With a tour agency in Chiang Mai – Book a private or join-in group tour for a stress-free and comprehensive experience.

Wat Umong offers a chance to escape the city and immerse yourself in Thai culture and spirituality. Explore the Meditation Center, feed the catfish in the tranquil pond, and take in the stunning architecture of the temple complex.

Don’t miss out on this incredible experience. Plan your visit to Wat Umong today!